by Dr. Karen Colvin on August 5, 2016

in Word of the Week

hold-to-faith-blogWe thought if we had enough faith, bad things would not happen to us — but they did. We were wounded badly. For some of us it felt like utter destruction with no chance for recovery; our emotional death was imminent. Where was God in all of this? How can this wound ever heal? Before we can begin to see the path to emotional wound healing, we must go deeper.                                                                                                                        Sessions in Pain pg. 212

Author’s Comments: We must go deeper, beloved, to understand the plan of God for our lives in the face of great pain. We must go deeper, beyond the physical and emotional, to breech the spiritual, and the eternal to find the peace we need to reconcile our pain with the love of God.

Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful (Hebrews 10:23 NKJV).

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