by Dr. Karen Colvin on August 12, 2016

in ZUncategorized


Leaving Babylon pg.90

As children of God, we must be careful when we waffle on the edge of not embracing our new identity. It does happen as our hearts ache from the rejection we now face in Babylon. People who once accepted us now turn a cold shoulder as we become someone they no longer recognize. Our choices are different as our perspective on the world has been infused with truth. With these changes will come a spurning from the Babylonians, but take heart, beloved. The love of God is more than enough to soothe the pain of the losses of Babylon. As you embrace this new life and step into the light of God, you will find the complete fulfillment your soul has always longed for. You will literally falls in love with Jesus as you actively cultivate your relationship with Him.

As you come to know your new identity, it will guide every decision you make. But knowing is a process—a process riddled with doubt, fear, and failure, but also with His mercy and the seed of faith brought to life in your heart the day you came to believe. You will sometimes deny your Father and His Holy Spirit when your emotions are high and your faith is low.

But His Word has said, “If we are faithless, He remains faithful; because He cannot deny Himself ” (2 Timothy 2:13)

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