The Tantrum

by Dr. Karen Colvin on June 13, 2014

in The Autism Times

how_to_deal_with_temper_tantrumsI recall working with a child diagnosed with autism who had learned to test every person who tried to teach her with profound behaviors. She would spit, scream and fall to the floor when she was asked to do a “non-preferred” task. Occasionally, during her tantrums she would look around to see if anyone was watching that had seen her on the floor and feel sorry for her. But everyone within ear shot knew not to come and console this behavior. When she would quiet down I would ask her to do the task again which would send her back into the full blown tantrum. Finally, after 15 -20 minutes of these rounds she would look up at me, as I was ignoring her screams, and simply say, “K” (short for “okay”). She would then carry out the task and we would move on to the next activity.

These episodes were such a clear and truthful depiction of how we interact with God. He will ask us to do something and we will spit, scream, cry, and even fall to the floor.  Then we will present ourselves to others wanting their sympathy to support our non-compliant behavior. But our Heavenly Father is faithful in our training,  and stands true to His instruction until we come to the place of saying “K”, and complying with His good plan for our lives.

God wants to give us His best and greatest blessings; but He will not give it to the untrained and non-compliant child. He knows the future of the non-compliant.

And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Christ Jesus (Philippians 1:6 ESV).


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Gail Williams June 13, 2014 at 4:38 pm

This is so true. I have learned how much peace I can have when I simply listen to the instructions given to me by the Lord and follow them. The experience is a lot less taxing. Good word!


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the tantrum