The Inner Work

by Dr. Karen Colvin on April 10, 2015

in ZUncategorized

man praying on floorWhat your accusers cannot see is the inner work that is taking place in you before God — the renewing of your mind, the strength, the determination, the faith, the love and the persuasion toward God that is springing forth in your spirit. Finally, you are convinced, finally, you believe Him, and so you will forever be changed!
Sessions in Pain pg. 129

The Inner Work in you is the most crucial. It is the work that changes everything – it makes the Warriors, Kings and Queens for the Kingdom of God. The Inner Work is the difference that is forged in solitude and isolation with your Lord. This is the work that sets your face like flint and takes you from the common…

to the extraordinary!man on fire_1200x750





Join Dr. Colvin for class each Sunday morning, 9AM, at Praise Assembly of God, 2000 Troy Ave., Pueblo, CO – in The Zone.

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