The Comfortable Captives

by Dr. Karen Colvin on April 16, 2015

in Word of the Week

Leaving Babylon, pg.61

materialism 2One of the major obstacles to leaving Babylon is our love of her pleasures. Babylon is very clever. She knows she must continue to deceive mankind in order for us to stay within her walls and reject God’s truth.Therefore, she has become a master at soothing our flesh. She knows all too well how to keep us comfortable in our captivity.

God will and does give good gifts to His children and to the world, but as a good Father, He does not ruin us with pleasures that destroy our souls. He created this beautiful planet for us to live in and enjoy. He created us to have good and healthy relationships with Him and each other. When we speak of the “pleasures” of Babylon, we speak of the things that soothe and comfort us at the expense of our relationship with God, those things that are offered to us in exchange for our obedience to the Father. Such an exchange took place in the garden of Eden when Eve was offered the forbidden fruit in exchange for her allegiance to God.

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