Leaving Babylon pg. 140
A big part of Christ’s death was to bear our shame and humiliation. His death could have been quick and painless, but God chose to lay on Him our shame and humiliation through a long and torturous death, to not only save us from eternal damnation, but also deliver us from the fear, shame, and all the other maladies that come with sin. He bore our shame so that we could love Him and each other unencumbered by the humiliations of our past (Isa. 53 and Heb. 12:2).
In Christ, we learn that His love covers the faults in us and our brothers and sisters. We can forgive them, and we can forgive ourselves. We can be free to release our hearts to love again in the security that Christ loves us, always and forever. Our part is to always keep Him as our first love.
We love because he first loved us (1 John 4:19 ESV).
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