Determined Humility

by Dr. Karen Colvin on January 12, 2015

in Word of the Week

Beloved, God calls us to lay down our lives before Him. He mayprayer-on-my-knees42 allow a stripping of your life to bring you to a place where you are ready to leap. This place is not physical but spiritual. He longs for us to love Him, the Giver, over the gifts. The gifts, the things we cling to, will never satisfy; this is why we are called to lay them down at His feet.

Sessions in Pain, pg. 206

xm-2602-xmark-red-white-boxing-glovesThe Humility that is needed to lay our things down at His feet will not come easily. Our pride will not go down without a fight. Humility must be determined – it must happen in us on purpose, as we take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ!

We lay it all down – we let it all go!

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