I believe what is most difficult for us is to have confidence in the work Jesus accomplished for us on the cross. It goes against the very grain of our fallen nature to accept that He provided this free gift of forgiveness, simply because He loves us.
Sessions in Pain, pg. 86
AUTHOR’S COMMENTS; Why is “Grace” such a difficult concept for us as human beings? Perhaps is it because we come into this world struggling and we continue to battle both the seen and the unseen forces all of our lives to the point of exhaustion. It is all we have known…until Christ. So take hold of the Grace of God, which holds love, peace, safety, and rest – oh, sweet rest!.
” Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28 not).
picture credit: Rubies in the desert
The Word of God was spoken through the prophet Jeremiah that God was going to shake the land, and anyone that was not grounded in God would fall. Jeremiah gave the people of God the warning for them to assess themselves. He asked them the poignant question, “If you have run with the footmen, and they have wearied you, then how can you contend with horses?” ( Jer. 12:5a, nkjv). How will the people of God stand as the rejection of God becomes more intense each day in our societies, when we fail to stand when the ways of God are still tolerated?
Leaving Babylon pg. 66
AUTHOR’S COMMENTS: The days of ‘running with the horsemen’ are upon us. We must run faster and stronger as Children of the Living God. We must pray longer and harder. We must press in stronger and closer to our Lord to remain in the fight until the end.
“Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world” (John 16:33 NLT).
picture credit: theinspirationroom.com
Remember Job’s pain and suffering ended in victory. He didn’t die alone in a hole, destitute and hopeless, but he left this physical life blessed and restored. Job came through his suffering stronger, wiser and more intimate with God than before his ordeal. He died full of years and today is in the presence of the Lord with all of his children. Sessions in Pain, pg. 96
AUTHOR’S COMMENTS: When God has your life nothing is lost. Somethings are removed for a moment as growth and development takes place in you; but nothing is lost to Him. He is a most efficient God, using every trial, every pain, and all that our enemy meant for evil, to bring us eventual good and blessings.
“But You, O Lord, are a shield for me,
My glory [and my honor], and the One who lifts my head”
(Psalm 3:3 AMP).
Leaving Babylon pg. 32
Under God’s government, we had three important aspects to our lives: family, ministry/work, and rest. Our family began with God, our Father. Then God created Eve for Adam. God gave them work in tending a beautiful garden and commanding the creatures of the earth. Finally, He gave them seasons of rest, where they could walk with Him in the cool of the evening and just be with their Father, enjoying His presence. Human life was in perfect balance.
As our connection with God was severed and unity with the Divine was lost, our ability to enjoy our family, ministry/work, and rest was severely altered. Fear, pride, greed, jealousy, and selfishness would be our constant companions. We would struggle with these demons in our attempts to care for our children, the elderly, and any other human beings who would be identified as frail.
AUTHOR’S COMMENTS: The weak and the frail can be easily pushed aside. The “leaving of Babylon” begins within you, as you make the choice to return to God’s perfect balance for your life. ” Babylon deliberately woos you so that you will miss what is important, and lose what is important, eternally.
“But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and His righteousness [His way of doing and being right—the attitude and character of God], and all these things will be given to you also34 “So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” (Matthew 6:33-34 AMP).
picture credits: National Family Prayer Month, Parents Place,
The sad thing about the strongman is that he is unrelenting in his hopeless pursuits for fulfillment, and he is too proud to allow the Savior access to his hurting heart. So he keeps forging ahead, losing all that is truly valuable as he goes. – Sessions in Pain, pg. 193
AUTHOR’S COMMENTS: Our enemy knows all too well that we win and conquer in the same manner as our Lord, with humility. Therefore, Satan sends to us his greatest warrior, the spirit of pride to deceive us into fighting with fleshly weapons. The strength of the strongman is no match for this enemy; it will take the power of the Holy Spirit to overcome him.
He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son (Rev. 21:7)
Leaving Babylon pg. 29
That day in Eden, other changes took place in our bodies as sickness and disease became a part of human life on earth. With our new afflicted state of living, we can see the possible reason God refused us the Tree of Life. In this refusal, we see the mercy of God on humanity in removing from us access to the tree that would give us eternal life. Can you imagine living in a state of disease and sickness with no chance of death? Can you imagine living with the pain of cancer, arthritis, heart disease, seizures, bacterial infections, or some other physical or mental disabilities with no hope of relief in death? We must consider that eternal “life” or eternal existence is different in a sinful state than in a holy state under the covering of God. The creatures of hell know this existence all too well. They exist in a constant state of torment that will continue throughout eternity.
The death of our bodies is a gift for many who live in pain. The suffering in this world is finally over, and peace can come. Jesus Christ made this peace possible.
AUTHOR’S COMMENTS: Some may say, “But God can heal all of our diseases and disorders here on Earth while we live”. I agree. But there still remains the living in this world of struggle, grief, and emotional pain. I believe God knew that our souls could only take so many years of this so He limited our years on Earth. I have begun to understand the old Christians who in their latter years look toward heaven for their final relief in death to this world. They no longer fear death but welcome it as they transition to the peace of their heavenly home. In his final days the Apostle Paul wrote:
As for me, my life has already been poured out as an offering to God. The time of my death is near. 7I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful. 8And now the prize awaits me—the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me on the day of his return. And the prize is not just for me but for all who eagerly look forward to his appearing (2 Timothy 4:6-8 NLT).
As you continue your journey through the oven of cultivation, you will begin to realize that something remarkable is happening; you are developing into His image. Faith is springing forth like a budding rose in your spirit. Faith truly becomes a substance of the things you hope for and the evidence of the things you cannot see. Through it all, you learn to believe Him and possess, in greatness the one thing that moves God— faith. – Sessions in Pain, pg. 233
AUTHOR’S COMMENTS: In this day and age it is more critical than ever that we strive to develop into the image of Christ. When the taunts of people and our enemy screams hatred, revenge, and deceit, we STAND in His will and His way! We believe Christ above all others.
“Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then… ” (Ephesians 6:13-14a NIV).
picture credit: verses-to-the-king.blogspot.com
Leaving Babylon pg. 63
Babylon has inflicted on humanity the ultimate Stockholm syndrome. This syndrome is described as a condition in which hostages express sympathy and empathy for their captors and develop affection for them to the point of defending them. Patty Hearst, a newspaper heiress kidnapped in February 1974, was such a victim. She actually joined her captors in their criminal behavior against her father, even as he made a great effort secure her release. Babylon has done the same to mankind. She has turned us against our heavenly Father, who has made the ultimate effort and sacrifice to secure our release.
AUTHOR’S COMMENTS: By the power of God through Christ we can break our Stockholm Syndrome and return to our Heavenly Father. God continues to call to His beloved humanity, calling us to freedom from our captor into His loving arms. He pleads with us to come before it is too late, as He did with Jerusalem:
“Wake up, wake up, O Zion!
Clothe yourself with strength.
Put on your beautiful clothes, O holy city of Jerusalem,
for unclean and godless people will enter your gates no longer.
2 Rise from the dust, O Jerusalem.
Sit in a place of honor.
Remove the chains of slavery from your neck,
O captive daughter of Zion.
Isaiah 52:1-2 nlt
The author of Hebrews wrote to the Christian Jews, “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great a salvation” (Hebrews 2:3). You cannot neglect something that you do not have. He was clearly writing to Christians who may have become lax or careless in their walk with Christ. The answer to that question is that we shall not escape if we fail to remain in prayer and study of God’s Word, the Holy Bible.
Sessions in Pain, pg. 145
AUTHOR’S COMMENTS: As we enter into this new year we are called more than ever to a spiritual sobriety. The author of Hebrews warns believers in Christ that we face a formidable enemy who knows that his time is short. As Satan turns up his intestity of attack so must we press into the power and graces of our Great Salvation purchased with the blood of Our Christ, which is our only means of escape and victory!
“Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial that has comeupon you, as though something strange were happening to you. 13But rejoice that you share in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed at the revelation of His glory.…” 1Peter 4;12-13 BSB
picture credit: Carlos Sandoval
Leaving Babylon pgs. 49-50
Adam relinquished the authority given to him by God to rule over earth to his enemy. This was the beginning of our life in Babylon. However, with our fall we also saw a hope, a hope declared in the book of Genesis. From the beginning of our lives in sin, God declares that one day He would prepare a way for us to leave. This leaving would begin with an effort to gather His beloved humanity out of Babylon. He would give mankind another opportunity to choose Him over sin and make us His children once again.
Can you see the love of our heavenly Father, even after we had broken His heart? He would proclaim that deliverance was coming to us through His Son (her Seed), Jesus Christ. Since that day, God has consistently called humanity out of Babylon. Throughout the Old and New Testaments, His message has been the same…“Come out from her, my people, so that you may not share in her sins, neither participate in her plagues” (Rev.18:4, amp).
Author’s Comments: Christmas is about the fulfillment of the first promise made by God of the coming of His Son in Genesis 3:15. The Christ is described as “her Seed” who would strike the head of our enemy.