Word of the Week


by Dr. Karen Colvin on October 26, 2018

in Word of the Week

Leaving Babylon pgs. 51-52

Basking in the Glory

This glory of God is not for boasting. It is not a cloak of pride. This glory is bestowed upon the gatherers to draw mankind to the Son. It is a beacon in the gross darkness that covers the land for all that would come. His glory upon us verifies our ownership and our unity with God. “I have given them the glory You gave Me, so they may be one as We are One” ( John 17:22, nlt).

In the final words of this great prayer for humanity, Jesus tells His Father that He wants us to be with Him. He talks about the love the Father gave to Him before the world and humanity began. With the culmination of this prayer, Jesus asked the Father to extend the love He has for the Son to us! “Father, I want these whom you’ve given me to be with me, so they can see my glory. You gave me the glory because you loved me even before the world began!” ( John 17:24, nlt). These words sealed the destiny of the gatherers and all that would be gathered to be with Christ in all of His glory for eternity!

But we have this precious treasure [the good news about salvation] in [unworthy] earthen vessels [of human frailty], so that the grandeur and surpassing greatness of the power will be [shown to be] from God [His sufficiency] and not from ourselves (2 Corinthians 4:7 AMP).

Picture credit: pureglory.net



by Dr. Karen Colvin on October 12, 2018

in Word of the Week

I have come to understand that our God is a God of abundance and all things belong to Him; however, He is also a very responsible God.  He takes care in what He gives, for He created all things and He loves us all.  He assesses the effects of His gifts on us and others.

Sessions in Pain pg. 190

AUTHOR’S COMMENTS: God is a good Father. He takes care not to spoil His children. He allows blessings in our lives as we grow in Him. He knows that the growth is essential so that the gifts or the blessings are not abusive or misused. He rejoices to give His abundance to those who are both grateful and generous.  God’s heart is ALWAYS to bless us; whether He holds back or pours on His  gifts, it always out of love for us.

For the life of every living thing is in His hand, and the breath of every human being (Job 12:10). 


The River of God

by Dr. Karen Colvin on October 6, 2018

in Word of the Week

You’ll find me in the River of God’s Grace.. (starlajimenez.com)

Leaving Babylon pgs. 70-71

He set our lives into the mighty River of God—always moving and running toward God’s ocean of purpose, blessings, and destiny.

This is the wonderful story of those who believed and were saved, from the swamp to the River! The River is powerful and cleansing. It is the very Spirit of God and will not stand still but continues its journey toward the ocean of God.

We need the cleansing of the River because we were conceived, born, and raised in Babylon. She is all that we have known, and her residue clings to us. Now we must begin the process of cleansing. Our minds must be cleansed and purged from the wickedness of sin. The Word of God teaches us,

Therefore if any person is [ingrafted] in Christ (the Messiah) he is a new creation (a new creature altogether); the old [previous moral and spiritual condition] has passed away. Behold, the fresh and new has come! (2 Corinthians 5:17, amp)



by Dr. Karen Colvin on September 22, 2018

in Word of the Week

Abraham and Sarah waited for the son God had promised them.  They waited while they grew older, while others had children and everything around them seemed to indicate that the promise of a son was lost.  But in the fullness of time and experience God gave them a son!    – Sessions in Pain pg. 183

AUTHOR’S COMMENTS: Waiting before God is never empty or purposeless. On the contrary, it creates something beautiful and lasting within your spirit as the flower of faith takes root and blossoms. Once blossomed this faith will carry you, shield you, and encourage you through many of the challenges ahead. It forges your relationship with Christ into something solid and sure. Waiting grows your “knowing” that He is

faithful who promised!



by Dr. Karen Colvin on September 8, 2018

in Word of the Week

Leaving Babylon pgs. 79-80

We were taught that we must fight for everything to survive. Therefore, we fight. We fight each other within every aspect of our existence. In our families, our work, our religions, and our governments, we fight. We reject God’s way for peace on earth, seeing the fight as the only way to live. As we look back through human history in the book of Genesis, we see the first acts of strife in the story of Cain and Abel—human against human, brother against brother. Cain, the older brother, resented Abel because Abel was more careful and excellent in his work. Abel presented to God a sacrifice that he developed  in  obedience  and reverence. Cain, having had the same opportunity as his brother to please God, chose  to  do  his  work  halfheartedly  and  in disobedience. When his work was rejected, he became angry and resentful of his obedient brother. God reached out to Cain to teach him what was right and to warn him of what would happen if he continued in this attitude. But Cain chose to embrace the ways of Babylon. This embracing cultivated within him a murderous heart, and Cain eventually attacked and killed his younger brother (Gen. 4). Here we see the first offspring of the demons of jealousy and sloth in  human  history  called murder.

As we fast-forward through human life on planet earth, we see the same scenario of Cain and Abel lived out over and over in the children of men. Our curse of sin has been encapsulated in three terms: the lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life.

AUTHOR’S COMMENTS: God offers us a  better life than the constant fight. But in the fervor of our pride we drown out His voice thinking the next blow to our brother will give us victory. But the truth is the fight will continue until you surrender to God’s way. If you choose not to surrender you will die still fighting your brother.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. – Jesus Christ (John 10:10)


Picture credit: ThePreachersWord




by Dr. Karen Colvin on August 31, 2018

in Word of the Week

God allowed the testing of Job.  He allowed the testing of David. In fact, David had the insight to ask for the testing.  In Psalm 139:23 he clearly asked the Lord to test his anxiety: “Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my anxieties;” Anxiety only comes with current or impending discomfort or pain.   Sessions in Pain pg. 148

AUTHOR’S COMMENTS: Do you have the courage, like David,  to ask God to search you? Do you hunger for God’s righteousness enough to ask Him to put the spotlight on your life. Often that spotlight comes in the form of pain or discomfort; but it exposes the impurities in your life so that you, with the Holy Spirit, can drive it far from you.


photo credit: impulsionsphoto.com



by Dr. Karen Colvin on August 24, 2018

in Word of the Week

Leaving Babylon pgs. 86-87

This life is but a sliver of eternity, but it determines where we will spend it. Satan does not care about us, and he will never love us. His agenda will never change concerning us. He hates all that God loves and that includes you.

Whether you love and serve God or not, Satan hates you because God loves you…God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to set you free from the curses of your sins and to save you from this  eternal  damnation. Jesus  really does save.

Many of us do not realize all that Jesus saves us from. We feel Jesus came to lead us into some boring “goody-two-shoes” life that might make us feel better. Some feel that He is a mythical crutch imagined by the weak-minded, but if you are mentally strong, you can survive without Him. You can take on and conquer all that the world throws at you in your own might and intellect. These are the lies of Babylon that pervade our world and societies. The truth of our reality is that every single one of us is vulnerable to destruction. We are all weak and are easily manipulated by evil. The attitudes of men and women change daily, just from a news story. Whether it is a lie or the truth, we cannot tell. We just respond to it like puppets on strings. Babylon can wield us however she wants to outside of God’s Holy Spirit. The true weak minds exist outside of God.

And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Phil. 4:7 ESV)



by Dr. Karen Colvin on August 3, 2018

in Word of the Week

God alone knows the path out of your pain.  He alone knows its purpose.  Remember, when our lives are committed to Him, our suffering always has purpose—a good purpose.  This is God’s promise to us:  “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28).

Sessions in Pain pg. 92

 AUTHOR’S COMMENT: Nothing is random or accidental with God. His hand is always on the gauge of your life even when things are caused by evil. He can make All things serves His good purposes. Therefore, beloved of God, press into Him in prayer through the dark days for He is faithful to show you the path out. 

For God has said, “I will never fail you.  I will never abandon you.” Hebrews 13:5 NLT


That day in Eden, protection of the weaker ones became necessary. Human governments and authorities needed to be put in place. It was the day that we took on pride, greed, jealousy, and selfishness. We became creatures who would do anything to anyone to profit ourselves. The weaker one became vulnerable to all types of evil and would need protection from the stronger ones.

Under the government of the Godhead, everyone was safe. Every living thing could enjoy God’s creation without fear. We understood that the beauty of the earth, and all of its resources came from our heavenly Father. He would always love us and provide for us. He was the only authority that we needed. The family that God initially created with Adam and Eve was put in place to manage our social interactions with each other. This family provided a system to learn and to care for each other under the guidance of our heavenly Father. We looked to Him for  our understanding of the world. Our interactions with God and each other were peaceful and loving.


But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen you [setting you on a firm foundation] and will protect and guard you from the evil one (2 Thess. 3:3 AMP).



Picture credits: mtlawoffice.com, beginning and end.





by Dr. Karen Colvin on July 13, 2018

in Word of the Week

As with Job, your first course of action is to seek God for directives and timing in the chaos.  God’s directives serve to protect you and others and guide you as to where to direct your faith.  Remember, true faith cannot kick in until you know the will of God. –  Sessions on Pain pg. 156

 AUTHOR’S COMMENTS: Outside of the will of God you are basically on your own in a cold and sometimes cruel world. But, when you know the will of God then you have His backing as you go forward. When facing the hard days you can press on knowing His Will is being done through you.

 “Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” (Matt. 19:26 – emphasis mine).