
Bringing the Ark to Me

by Dr. Karen Colvin on July 3, 2015

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THE ARK OF THE COVENANT.PRIESTTo bring the Ark of the Lord to us we must sanctify ourselves. To sanctify means to separate, set aside, declare as holy or to purify. Purity precedes the working of God in our lives. David came back to the place of his failure with instructions from God.

Sessions in Pain, pg. 102

If you want the true Presence of God and the true movement of His Holy Spirit in your life we must carry it in on your shoulders. You must bear the weight of His presence in your flesh. It will go against your feelings and desires.  Carrying the presence of God into your life takes time and effort as you must be in unity with the Holy Spirit.

He must increase and you must decease.


The Vapor

by Dr. Karen Colvin on June 19, 2015

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Disappearing group.600x400When all is said and done, this life is just a sliver of eternity but it determines where we will spend it. The Bible refers to our lives as a vapor, and yet we get so caught up in it (see James 4:14). We behave as if this is all there is; we allow the cares of the sliver to consume our existence and live as if we will be here forever.

Sessions in Pain pg. 139


Following Dollar Signs

by Dr. Karen Colvin on June 5, 2015

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money-chaseWhen you are on the road to success, it is easy to lack care for the needs of others. You can tell yourself that one day you will come back and help them. Few really do come back, because quietly and insidiously one’s attitude changes. Worldly desires begin to creep into your heart and dictate another direction. Before you know it, you have learned to follow dollar signs over God’s leading.

Sessions in Pain pg. 39

Beloved, the rules and ways of Babylon are lies. Money and power does not satisfy the true needs and longings of the human heart. You can choose to spend you life serving money or you can choose to spend your life serving God. One is temporal and One is eternal. One will end with your life on Earth and One will carry you in Love throughout eternity.

Choose wiselythe-hand-of-god-1


Obtaining Love

by Dr. Karen Colvin on May 1, 2015

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father.son.trouble at schoolMany of us are raised to embrace pain as our only means of obtaining love. Often in our society the only way we can experience kindness and compassion from other human beings is when we are suffering; otherwise, we are ignored. We do this often with our children. Only when they are sick do we give them special attention or when they’re in trouble do we show concern. For some children, negative attention is better than no attention at all.

Sessions in Pain pg. 178.

 The human heart is a complicated thing. This attention from pain can reinforce the seeking for pain and even the pretense or exaggeration of pain. We reject joy and happiness in our lives to receive the attention and pity from others. We choose to remain weak and dependent to experience caring from our friends and family. Beloved, God desires for your days to be strong and joyful. He will care for your heart like none other. His joy transcends circumstances. Choose Joy! “Casting all your care upon Him…”


father.son.basketball “for He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7


Sister’s Brunch: Ministry of Motherhood

by Dr. Karen Colvin on April 26, 2015

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Sister's Brunch flyer 5.2015Join Dr. Karen Colvin at the Pueblo Convention Center,                          May 9, 2015, 10AM – Noon.

Sponsored by: Family Worship Center of Pueblo. CO



The River of God

by Dr. Karen Colvin on April 23, 2015

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Leaving Babylon, Pg. 71                                                                                                                                                   river 2We must strip off the old things; our old attitudes and responses are no longer a part of who we are. Each situation of our lives must be approached and responded to differently. The River will take us on a path we have not known before. It will take faith to remain in the flow. We will experience the crashing of its powerful waves as the River clashes with our old ways of doing things, but we must let the clear, pure water of the Holy Spirit have its way in renewing our mind.


The Inner Work

by Dr. Karen Colvin on April 10, 2015

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man praying on floorWhat your accusers cannot see is the inner work that is taking place in you before God — the renewing of your mind, the strength, the determination, the faith, the love and the persuasion toward God that is springing forth in your spirit. Finally, you are convinced, finally, you believe Him, and so you will forever be changed!
Sessions in Pain pg. 129

The Inner Work in you is the most crucial. It is the work that changes everything – it makes the Warriors, Kings and Queens for the Kingdom of God. The Inner Work is the difference that is forged in solitude and isolation with your Lord. This is the work that sets your face like flint and takes you from the common…

to the extraordinary!man on fire_1200x750





Join Dr. Colvin for class each Sunday morning, 9AM, at Praise Assembly of God, 2000 Troy Ave., Pueblo, CO – in The Zone.


Still in Pain

by Dr. Karen Colvin on March 20, 2015

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gun praisesyria-terrorist-attack3 As we look at all the acts of devastation committed by men and women in our world today, from those of terrorism, to acts of vengeance, to addictions, to perverted behaviors, many are born out of the desire to relieve heartfelt pain—but it is all a lie! Unfortunately, many do not realize the lie until they have carried out the agenda of Satan and have lost everything; their relationships have been destroyed, people have died, and they are still in pain.

Sessions in Pain pg. 112

There is only One relief  for the tortured human soul, and that is the Savior of gun at the crosshumanity, Jesus Christ. The old song goes, “When you’ve tried everything and everything has failed, try Jesus”; but I implore you to Try Jesus First! Before you exact revenge, or engage in perversions, and habits to relieve your aching heart – Try Jesus. Get quiet before Him and listen for the still small voice that will minister to the depths of your pain.

                                                                       He is the Pain Reliever.



The Secret Place

by Dr. Karen Colvin on February 20, 2015

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god-within.the secret placeIf you find yourself in that alone place with God as you are experiencing great pain, meet with Him there. Cry, scream, plead and pour out yourself before Him; He can handle your anger and your confusion. This is the place where intimacy with Him is forged—the secret place.

Sessions in Pain Pg. 89

I love the Secret Place. It is a place where I can find total acceptance even in light of my past and present mistakes. God loves me there, He forgives me there, and He teaches me there.

the secret place hug“He walks with me and He talks with me and He tells me that I am His own, and the joy we share as we tarry there none other has ever known”

(from “In The Garden”, by Charles A. Miles)



Preaching On Your Feet!

by Dr. Karen Colvin on January 23, 2015

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fallingJob came to a place of not only confronting his accusers, but, also, preaching to them.  When you tune in to the Holy Spirit, you will come through your trial, not on your back but preaching on your feet! 

Sessions in Pain, pg. 163

Like Job, we can be knocked off of our feet for a moment; hopeless  and in despair. But the Holy Scriptures declare that in all things we are more than 2012-04-30-Preaching-in the sunconquerors through Him who loved us!(Rom.8:37).  This is why the great apostle wrote that he gloried in tribulation (Rom.5:3); he knew the secret of suffering as a believer. He knew that as you remain in Christ through the hard days you are guaranteed to always come out with more strength, power and preaching on your feet!